You may remember our recent blog post about fabric samples we donated to a local primary school being recycled into children’s crafts. If you missed it, you can read it by clicking here!
But that’s not all!
We received an email over the weekend from another happy recipient of our donated fabric samples, Tessa. Thanks to our donations she has been able to make beautiful quilts to help the following good causes:
One double quilt for a raffle in aid of the Macmillan nurses
One lap quilt for Goole Boat Club’s Open Day Raffle
One lap quilt for St Leonard’s Hospice in York
Small Quilts for Battersea Dogs and Cats Home
She said, of the donations,
“Once again a big thank you as without your fabric samples I wouldn’t be able to make half as many charity quilts.”
A big thank-you to you Tessa for putting our surplus samples to such good use!