Recycling and giving back to the community go hand in hand here at ABI!
As a manufacturer of UK holiday homes we’re always looking for the very best fabrics for our interiors. Because of this, we end up with a lot of samples from suppliers to choose from! Rather than let these samples go to waste we decided to donate them to a local primary school, where they were put to good use being transformed into coasters for lucky mums.
Their teacher wrote to us following the donation to say,
“Thank you so much for all the fantastic fabric you gave us. As you can see we have been busy using some of it to make coasters for our Mums. We have plans to use more of it in the future.”
We think the results are fantastic – the children clearly enjoyed the activity and had an eye for matching fabrics. Who knows, maybe one day one of them will be using similar fabrics to design holiday home interiors!