It’s been a busy month here at ABI, with the launch of our 2015 Holiday Home range at the shows in Hull and Beaulieu. Once again, the weather was relatively kind to us, allowing each of our models to be enjoyed in the sunshine!
We’re finally back in the office, and have had a chance to take a breather and reflect. The response and feedback we received on this year’s models has been amazing, and it makes the team feel that all of the effort put into perfecting each model just for you has been worthwhile!
We would like to thank every one of you who took the time to come and look around our 2015 models. Whether you bought a holiday home, are in the process of buying one, or just came to the shows to browse, it is meeting the customers that make the events the highlight of our calendar!
If you missed this round of shows don’t worry as 2015 models are being dispatched to parks and dealers around the country as we speak – click here to find your nearest one! And, we’ll continue to be showing the model range at other shows throughout the year, so keep checking the website or our Facebook or Twitter streams for the latest events!